Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mourning the death of my Rubies...

Last night as I made my way up the stairs I hear Justin say "uh oh, looks like there is a chewed up shoe"
I was a little worried as I can't remember the last time our "Rhea" chewed a shoe.. it has been years..since an incident.  I thought that all I had out was just some yucky flip flops. I SOOOOOO wish that had been Rhea's victim.
Sadly, it was not some yucky end of the summer flip flops... instead she chose to kill my beloved Rubies.
I felt a kick to my stomach, tears in my eyes as I picked up what once was my FAVORITE pair of red shoes.

Let me say this... I have never cried over shoes, clothing, etc.

BUT these were more than just any pair of shoes, these were the shoes that lifted me up and not just in the literal sense.
If I was having a bad day... fat day, ugly day, nothing to wear day... those shoes would come to my rescue.  I received compliments every single time I wore them,  we can all attest to how much those  type of items in our closet mean to us.  They were comfy, they were the perfect height, they were the perfect shade of red.  PERFECT in every way!!

A lot of women say they have that one red lipstick that made them feel like a million bucks and suggest every woman should have one of those.  I agree, but if you have ever had or tried on a perfect red heel you know what I mean... I believe they have a higher magical power than any red lipstick.

These shoes in particular were so special to me.  I stalked these shoes for most of a summer 2 years ago.  The first time I spotted them was in a Dillards in an out of town mall.  I noticed them as soon as I walked through the door of the store... So pretty, so shinny, so.. well PERFECT.  The price tag was also very Pretty... as in a pretty penny.  To most, $80 probably isn't a whole lot to pay for shoes.  But for me I feel an extreme amount of guilt to pay full price for anything... let alone a pair of shoes.. for ME.

I ogled them for months, tried them on, admired them... all the while Justin telling me to get them since he could see my obvious love for them. ( I am picky about shoes...especially pumps.)
"No way" I would say," $80 bucks for shoes!"  Well he got them for me.... full price and all... I love him, he is an amazing husband! He knows I would never, ever get them for myself so he got them for me... and I was overjoyed!

I have worn those shoes quite a bit.  They dress up a dull outfit, they are the finishing touch and well I just feel like a bombshell when I wear them.

So imagine my heartbreak when I saw them laying on the floor all chewed up.. insert sad face here.  They are from a 2009 collection and we are not in a position to waste another buck on "foncy" shoes for me, let alone 80 buckaroos.


These are the times I remind myself that I LOVE what I do and so what if I don't have the big bucks as an marketing exec. anymore... I am happy to stay home with my girls and work when I want to... RIGHT? RIGHT self?


Right... but it sure does make my heart hurt a little for the most beloved part of my closet.
Rhea and I are not speaking at the moment, and there has not been any dog treats for her today and perhaps a few more days.... or years... okay maybe years but I am still mad at her!

However, I had part blame in all this... I should have had them up in my closet on the top shelf in their nice protected box.  Alas, they were put up... high enough I thought she wouldn't be able to reach them, I was wrong.  SO WRONG... Banging head.. ughhhhh!
Perhaps when we get a little bit more ahead I will find them on ebay or something... but til then...

RIP My beloved Rubies.. you were the best shoes I ever had.

A few things to leave you with:
-If you don't have a pair of red shoes... go get you some :)  I promise you will love how they make you feel.
-I found my holy grail liquid foundation... more on that in another post
-I am snuggled up with my babies on the couch while it continuously drizzles outside... LOVE a lazy Sunday.
-I am on a hat kick lately.  I love the look of a hat on me, but hate how self conscious I feel in them (why does everyone stare, does anyone else feel like people stare when you wear a hat?).  BUT I am being brave and have worn a hat the past two days.